Hi Lavs! As beauty lovers, we know how important it is to keep the hygiene of our makeup product in check, especially, the applicator of our makeup, which usually be makeup brush or makeup sponge. Keeping them clean is very important to prevent bacteria built up that can cause acne. I personally use makeup brush more than makeup...
Hi Lavs! Happy new year! Hope you had an amazing 2016 and I hope 2017 will be even better for all of us Speaking of beauty products... Last year, I didn't shop much for beauty products as I decided to finish most of my products. Now that I finished some of my products and I really do need...
Hi Lavs! October is here (crazy how this year almost ends eh?) and i don't know about you, but my weekends are packed with weddings! Despite the fact that I absolutely love getting ready for a wedding party, there's always times when I'm stressed out cos I feel like I have nothing to wear! Because you know, you...
Hi Lavs! I've been loving this pastel and white color palette lately. It is simple,sleek and chic at the same time. Hopefully you can get inspired! :) Hope you find this post helpful in a way! --- xx, Valencia Find me on Bloglovin // Instagram // Pinterest // Tumblr ...
Hi Lavs! I know some of you just had your holiday and I hope you all had a blast :) Now most of us are back to our daily routine and I know that online shopping is one of those things that can brighten up your crazy busy day! To be completely honest, I prefer real shopping rather...